Happy March! Hope everyone is staying warm and allergies are at bay…!


  • Finished the first draft of Chihiro’s Route! (69 pages)
  • Almost done with the first draft of Rie’s Route (Currently 43 pages)

To do…:

  • Finish Rie’s Route
  • Start another character’s route

Another month focused on more writing! I decided based on Chihiro’s route I’m aiming for 24 ‘main’ plot points to occur per route. Currently, Rie’s count is 20, but on track to be 24. Of course, this is just a ‘for now’ number, as the first draft will get moved around a lot between now and the final. Also, this number of 24 doesn’t include other events that’ll happen based on other conditions. 

I did think about playing around more with the UI of the game this month, but didn’t get to it. In a way, I’m worried about leaving code behind that’s placeholder, but in the same note, I really want to code… So… Oops… I’ll see if I get to that; I’m not putting it in the to-do because it’s not set in stone I want to embark on that.

After Rie’s route, I’ll embark on Yuna’s; My hope is to finish Rie’s, finish Yuna’s and maybe start Nana’s? I’m not quite sure how it’s all going to shake out yet, but that’s the goal!

Thank you for reading! Have a lovely day!

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