Happy February! Hope everyone had a lovely January! Here is this month’s update…


  • KKPP-DE Skeleton draft is worked on…!
  • KKPP-DE is being worked on; Right now, Chihiro’s route is at 38 pages.

To do…:

  • Continue and hopefully finish the main events of Chihiro’s routes
  • Start another character’s route…?

This month feels like it’s kind of bare just by updating alone, but I promise there’s more to it…! This month I spent the majority working on the next chapter of my comic. However, towards the end, I really switched gears into working on KKPP.

The end of last month/start of this month saw a lot of work on a skeleton draft of the “deluxe edition” part of the game. I did around ~75% of the planning of that, but figured for events that needed to be filled in, it was easier to write and let that flow, edit it later– which is exactly what happened. 

I have the general idea of what I need to work on in terms of eventing, how choices in this section will affect things, ect. It’s hard to really sum it up without writing a 10,000 word essay on the whole thing, but in short, a good amount of progress is being made, it’s just taking a while…!

For the deluxe edition, it takes place over 22 in-game weeks, so roughly, I’m factoring in around 22 “standard” events for that route. In addition, there’ll be special events based on other factors. I don’t like a game feeling empty, and visual novels I like tend to have a ton of events based on progression rather than long periods of stat boosting. I want the KKPP-DE part, along with the main game, to have a certain replayability factor that encourages players to replay it to get the endings rather than it feeling too repetitive to be worth it. Does this create a lot more work…? Yeah… But do I want to do it? Very much so!

This upcoming month, I really want to finish up with Chihiro’s “main” events and get working on another character’s. Right now, Chihiro’s route has 14 events fully written out, so it’s more than halfway done! My idea is to go in order of how I wrote them out. Not affecting the game’s progress, I really also want to get the section of my personal site revolving around this game up too!

Anyway, that’s it for news this month! Thank you for reading and following along with this project’s development! Have a lovely month~!

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