Hello, hello!!! A lot got done last month that I'm happy to announce!


  1. Fixed issue with computer. The controls were not properly set up and transferred the player right outside the computer when the computer was not in use. (I.e, hitting X in the bathroom after using the PC caused you to warp back to in front of the PC)
  2. Akemi Dialogue day 1 written out
  3. Day 1 NPCs done
  4. Mailroom Working. It’s coded in for every day’s possible deliveries along with stat boosts and item changes accordingly.
  5. Special letter coded in, sans the event that causes it to happen.
  6. Cheki page redone and functional! It includes the cheki you start out with and the cheki you end up with.
  7. Photocards coded in to the cheki page as well.
  8. Forum buying and website buying added in, which ties into the mail room and cheki page.
  9. Poster made + Coded in + icon set icon for it was made
  10. Yukio Promo Video done,
  11. Re-did the art of 2 special cheki. I didn’t like the original art, so it got changed. 3rd times the charm?
  12. Yukio Special DVD made. It needs to be coded in.

As for what’s the agenda coming up…

  1. Make Youtube pages for the videos. (☆☆)  
  2. Make thumbnail images for the youtube pages too and add in functionality. (☆)  
  3. Make the dream videos. (☆☆☆)  
  4. Continuing coding in the days… Hoping at least day 2 is done by the end of the month. (☆☆)  
  5. Add sound to the existing videos and code them all in. (☆☆)  
  6. Maybe start on some talk sprites? There won’t be a ton in the game, but some of the main characters [Arakawa, Akemi, Yukio] at least? (☆☆☆)  

October is going to be slightly busy because i'm participating in OC-Tober, but hopefully i'll still have time to do some game work 'w'9
Thank you as always for reading!!!!

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